Bei Dexter haben wir uns unseren Ruf als führender Anbieter von Magnettechnologie dadurch erworben, daß wir nicht nur Produkte herstellen, sondern auch in die Bereitstellung von Engineering-Services, Support und Tools für unsere Kunden investieren, um sie bei ihrer Gesamtlösung zu unterstützen.
AL Inductance CalculatorFerrite Gapping CalculatorField Calculations for a RectanglerField on Axis of a Ring MagnetField on Axis of a Cylindrical MagnetField Calculations for a Permanent Magnet DipolePull Strength on Steel for a RectanglePull Strength of Steel for a CylinderStudien
Parylene C-Beschichtung für NdFeB-Magnete
Magnetic Separators for Life Sciences and their Performance
3-Axis Magnetic Field Mapping in System Design Validation
Low-Cost Helmholtz Method for Magnet Testing
Magnet Design Considerations for High Gradient Magnetic Separations
MagneGear™ Linear and Rotary Magnetic Gearing Devices for Downhole Applications
Magnet Designs for Magneto-electronic Thin Film Processing
Method to Design Magnetrons that Match Preferred Erosion Patterns
Technische Informationen
Bonded Neodymium Iron Boron Material
Magnetic Cores Large Kool Mu Cores
Magnetic Cores Stackpack Cores
Magnets for Sensors Axial Disc Magnets
Magnets for Sensors Diametric Disc Magnets
Neodymium Iron Boron Coating Options
Neodymium Iron Boron Magnet Curves
Permanent Magnets Magnetization Patterns
Häufige Fragen
FAQ – LifeSep® Biomagnetic Separation Units
FAQ – Choosing Magnet Materials
FAQ – Limits of Magnet Materials
FAQ – Magnet Coatings and Plating
FAQ – Magnet Processing and Manufacturing
FAQ – Magnet Couplings and their Design
FAQ – Magnetic Theory and Design
FAQ – Magnetization and Demagnetization
FAQ – Rules and Quick Calculations
FAQ – Temperature Effects on Magnets
Einkauf und Versand
Versand von magnetisierten Materialien
Online-Einkaufs- und Versandrichtlinien (this link does not leadanywere)
Lieferanten Informationen
Supplier Quality Manual (SQAR Rev. H)
Supplier Deviation/Waiver Request