From Prototype To Production: How Dexter Helps Optimize Medical Magnets for Ventricular Assist Device Manufacturing
lundi 10 octobre 2022
Due to the fast pace and precision of development, medical device manufacturers are specifying biocompatible magnetic materials and medical magnets to be precisely machined in shorter development cycles than ever before. However, the process is rarely free from unique obstacles companies face to navigate to get their products from a prototype to serial production.
Medical Magnets: Magnetic Medical Device Manufacturing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
mardi 30 août 2022
Séparation de billes magnétiques Dexter et re-suspension pour sciences du vivant
samedi 1 février 2020
(English) At Dexter, we have more than 16+ years' experience transforming brilliant ideas into commercially successful diagnostics and life-science products.
Présentation des revêtements de précision Dexter pour les applications médicales
mercredi 22 janvier 2020
L'application fiable et répétée d'un revêtement conforme aux aimants peut être compliquée.
Dexter crée des applications magnétiques pour appareils implantables
vendredi 29 mars 2019
(English) From single vessels to our bulk separation LifeSep biomagnetic separators will meet your Life Science needs